The Origins of Satellites: Science Fiction Turned Real
Here are some question to ask yourself
1) Other than in School or through media have you ever seen a satellite???
2) Satellites are in the thermosphere according to NASA. The thermosphere is 4000 plus Fahrenheit. There are only a few materials on this planet that can take that amount of heat and satellite are not built with those materials. (source, source2, video)
3) Then how are they going to create this national WiFi system like Starlink?
4) 95% plus of global communications are still transmitted via cables lying deep beneath the oceans. (source, source2)
Satellites Don’t Exist? Say what? Yeah it Sounds Crazy Right? Pseudo Satellite
Arthur C. Clarke The origins of satellites came from the mind of famous science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. He wrote The 1945 Proposal by Arthur C. Clarke for Geostationary Satellite Communications. Arthur C. Clarke was a high level Freemason as well as a homosexual and self-professed pedophile, throw in satanism and you’ve got a heck of a guy. Arthur C. Clarke was writing science fiction stories along with other notable sci-fi writers Philip K. Dick, Robert Heinlein and L. Ron Hubbard. Arthur C. Clarke did initially claim to know Hubbard, however later he denied that statement and thought L. Ron Hubbard to be completely crazy. That link to Hubbard had to be broken, all out rebuke works well.
There is a seven year overlap between 1945 to 1952 when Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard and Arthur C. Clarke were all alive and were witness to the Science Fiction industry exploding into the eager minds of young people. The Roswell crash in July 1947 was quite timely and it certainly propelled the interest in space to mania levels. Hollywood didn’t miss the cue since they’re owned by the Khazarian Rothschilds. Hollywood started cranking out sci-fi movies by the truckload. At the top of the Sci-Fi movie heap was the great undiscovered frontier — Space
Antarctic treaty
Seemingly unrelated, in 1959 the Antarctic treaty was signed and is now totally off limits backed by military force. The North Pole is also militarized, though no formal multilateral agreement exists. Still any attempt to traverse either will result in immediate military expulsion and possible jail-time. To date no human has ever traversed Antarctica, EVER!! Think about that for a moment and consider the absurdity of it. There’s still a continent that has never been explored and we’re not allowed access to it! Why?
Three basic facts that NASA can’t or won’t explain.
1. How Do Satellites Survive 4,000F + Degree Heat in Space? There are only several elements on the periodic table that could withstand this heat and none have been used for satellites. Satellites allegedly mainly reside in the thermosphere where temperatures can soar to 4,000F + Degrees. Not plausible (video)
2. If the Van Allen Belts are so lethal (1,000 km to 60,000 km)“Solar cells, integrated circuits, and sensors can be damaged by radiation. Geomagnetic storms occasionally damage electronic components on spacecraft. Miniaturization and digitization of electronics and logic circuits have made satellites more vulnerable to radiation”.
3. No “Real Pictures or Video” exists proving satellites are whizzing around the globe, not one! Think how preposterous it is that one of the other 1,264 satellites couldn’t snap a simple picture or shoot a few frames of video? We have no visual evidence of actual satellites, the only evidence offered are sophomoric Photoshop/CGI/ Pixar images. has posted How To Spot Satellites but conversely Universe Today says
“If we could see these satellites from Earth’s surface, they would appear to hang motionless in the sky. The fact that they remain over the geographic same area means they provide the perfect platform for telecommunications, broadcast or weather observations”
Global positioning system satellite signal simulator - Patent No: US 5093800A
A test transmitter apparatus has been designed for testing global positioning system (GPS) receivers. This test transmitter apparatus has the ability to generate a radio frequency (RF) output which simulates GPS satellite signals. Generally, the RF test signal is generated as follows: A digital test signal is produced by a signal generator which is driven by specific programs run on a suitably adapted computer. The digital signal is then converted to a RF signal by a numerical control oscillator and an analog converter.
Platforms Capable of Mimicking Satellite behavior (video)
1. Land-based technologies. Loran (long range navigation)
2. GPS uses Cel-tower triangulation not Satellites (video)
3. High Altitude Airships (HAA) (source)
4. High Altitude Platforms (HAP) (source)
5. Lighter-than-air vehicles (LAV) (source)
6. High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) (source)
7. High Altitude Long Operation (HALO) (source)
8. StratSat (source)
9. Airborne Relay Communication (ARC) (source)
10. HeliPlat which connects to the HeliNet System. (source)
11. High Altitude Shuttle System (HASS) (source, source2)
12. Small Balloon Systems (SBS) (source, source2)
13. Nano Balloon Systems (NBS)
14. Google Loon System (source)
15. Stratospheric Platform Systems (SPS) (source, video)
16. High Altitude Long Endurance Demonstrator (HALE-D) (video, video2)
17 Undersea Cable (source)
18. DARPA Integrated Sensor is Structure or ISIS (source)
So as you see there are at least 18 platforms that can be used independently, in tandem or groups to provide all the services that satellites provide. The most glaring aspect of satellite fakery is cost. All 18 platforms I’ve mentioned are substantially more cost-efficient than satellites and inherently more reliable. It makes no sense to continually risk hurling satellites into space if more cost-efficient, reliable and readily maintainable terrestrial systems already exist, which they do.
Linked Sources:
Icr World | wol | A Global Security Threat | Protection of Undersea Cables A Global Security Threat | Bloomberg | Newsweek | undersea cables NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe | loon | mentalfloss | airspacemag